Posed Newborn Preparation Guide
I do prefer that babies are bottle fed (for sessions only) .If you are wanting the posed baby look with baby on beds etc and all curled up sleeping and relaxed. Breastfeeding can take hours in the begging of your newborn journey and most newborns just like to snack at the beginning so pumping milk or formula is really super helpful, and a soother. This will not cause nipple confusion, there is no evidence nor has this been proven.
Even if you just provide a bottle for the session then throw it away.. if that is something you don’t want to do, the few hours will not disrupt breast fed babies, but it will greatly help out for your posed Newborn session.
Please use a newborn bottle nipple that is hard to flow, and make sure baby is ok with it before you arrive, so a quick test run the night before is great.
I will still book exclusively breastfed babies if you decide not to pump or bring formula but with the complete understanding that your session will require more time to feed baby, and we will probably not get as many poses as you would like. In my many years experience with newborns a bottle works best for this style of a session.
Sessions are 3hrs, about 1hr to take photos, but about 2hrs extra is usually just feeding and settling baby as we prefer baby to be a relaxed and calm. After the 3hrs are up we are done no matter what we have. By this time newborns have had enough and their comfort comes first.
I feel I must be clear with all of my expectations and being prepared is really important as my goal is the same as yours to achieve an awesome gallery.
Please please do not stress, all photos are great, even eyes open and squirmy ones.. all we can do is our best!
Once I have received your non refundable deposit of $125 I will send you a confirmation email, and book you in. Your deposit of $125 is deducted off of your session fee, the reminder is due at time of session by EMT or Cash only.
Did you have a baby boy? if you are going to have him circumcised please book your circumcision AFTER your photo session. So your little one is calm and not irritated.
Please ask your nurse remove the belly button clamp when she comes over for your home visi
If your baby does not currently take a pacifier, I strongly recommend bringing one anyway to use FOR THE SESSION ONLY. The pacifier is essential to soothing the baby's need to suck and also releases endorphins helping them to relax and allow me to ease them into poses. It is an extremely helpful tool during all my sessions and strongly recommended. If you’re breastfeeding , please pump breast milk before your session and bring bottles with breast milk, or provide extra formula just for your session. Babies always eat way more than usual during their newborn session.
If you are using cloth diapers please bring disposable ones. Most cloth diapers are bulky and they do not fit under most of my outfits. If you have decided not to bring a bootle, please time your feedings, to 1.5-2 hours before our session and a full feed when you arrive, this way baby is ready for a nice long feed.
Keep your baby awake in the couple hours leading up to the session to ensure he/she is good and sleepy for the session. If the baby has slept all morning and then arrives to the session, he/she just might be ready for a long awake period, which makes the job of getting them sleepy all that much harder. Parents always think it won’t be a problem because their baby sleeps all the time, but I cannot stress enough that once they are being moved around unswaddled, they NEVER stay that way. But, if you follow these instructions, it will help tremendously! To keep your baby awake, talk and play with him/her, let him/her kick in just a diaper, and give him/her a bath. Then, when you arrive in my studio, he/she will be ready for a long nap!
If you are nursing, NO CAFFEINE , NO COFFEE, NO POP ,
AVOID GASY FOODS!! Common culprits include BEANS, BROCCOLI , CABBAGE , and Brussels sprouts. Sometimes Milk and Dairy can cause upset tummy for baby :— milk, cheese, yogurt, pudding, ice cream, or any food that has milk, milk products, casein, whey, or sodium caseinate in it. Other foods, too — like wheat, corn, fish, eggs, or peanuts — can cause problems.
Bloating, burping, and passing gas are normal. But if your baby is gassy or has colic, avoid these foods for a few weeks to see whether they relieve the symptoms. sort of spicy foods can make the baby uncomfortable or upset his/her tummy. And an upset tummy will always mean lots of tears and little sleep! So avoid spicy foods, or any foods the baby may have allergies to, at all costs! If baby happens to be gassy the day of your session. Gripe Water can be used to help ease baby’s discomfort.
4. FEED YOUR BABY 1.2 -2 hrs BEFORE session
Try to time your feedings so your baby is hungry when you arrive. Once you are at my studio you can begin feeding baby and when he/she is nice and full we will start our session. So feeding baby 1-2 hrs before our session booking and than please wait for next feeding to start when you arrive.
Bring baby in a button-up or zip-up sleeper – preferably a loose fitting one. If the baby arrives nice and sleepy in his/her car seat and then we have to remove shoes and socks, pants, and take a shirt off over his/her head – it almost always wakes them up. It’s much simpler to zip down and slip off pyjamas while the baby remains asleep! And if the pyjamas are loose-fitting, then ideally there won’t be many lines left behind on the baby’s skin.
Wear something comfortable.
Newborn: All outfits are provided for you beautiful baby.
Mom: White or cream tank, have a cream shawl and some dresses for Moms to use as seen in my photos. Light coloured pants no black.
Dad: white ironed clean t-shirt, make sure finger nails are clean and manicured.
Siblings: should wear cream vintage look or white, light coloured pants. Please make sure kiddos faces are free from eye goo, runny noses, hair is brushed and off their face and they are very well rested.
My studio will be HOT (28 degrees Celsius), so I always suggest you dress lightly or in layers. You can always change into another outfit when it is time for you to be photographed.
During the session, sit back and relax. I won’t need much assistance, so take advantage of this time to rest (I’m sure you need it!). Parents will often watch a movie, answer emails or read while I work with your new little one. I’ve even had some parents take a nap!
I recommend bringing a lunch or some snacks and plenty of water because I expect that our day will be several hours long.
We have fur babies a dog and a cat. They are not in my studio but live in our home so if you're highly allergic please take an antihistamine before hand.
Your finished photos from your session will be sent to you by digital download with a print release and password within 15~ 40 days after your session. You will download all of your photos and save them on your desktop or hard drive. Your digital gallery will expire within 60 days so remember to download all of your photos. The amount of photos depends on how well your session goes. All photos are carefully selected by the photographer and professionally edited and retouched. I will show a "Sneak Peek" on my Facebook page so please make sure you like my page so you don't miss it. The remainder of balance is also due when your session is complete, you can pay with EMT or cash.
12. MODEL RELEASE forms :
ALL clients must SIGN the model release form before their session
links are below:
Please note that not every baby LOVES having their picture taken, being posed, wearing hats, etc. Today you may have the most peaceful and sleepy baby, but your session may be a whole other story.
Please do not feel disappointed or frustrated should your baby want to be awake and visit during our session instead of sleep, they may be wiggly and not hold poses, it can sometimes take a LONG time before we even get one shot, this is OK!
Just remember these are tiny human beings who have only been part of our world for a very short amount of time. They require a lot of patience and you may be surprised how much work goes into creating just one stunning image. I assure you, I have that patience and the training to do what needs to be done to get you that stunning image, so during your session just sit back and enjoy.
Your baby's fussing, crying, wiggling, and yes even pooping and peeing are all part of my job, and I LOVE every minute of it!
Photography by Krista White
2418 Forest Drive
Blind Bay B.C.
Copy and paste link to google maps: